Ep 1 – Knitting in Italy

My name is Martina, and Knitting in Italy is the spin-off of my “regular” Knitting Podcast, that I’ve been making for some time, “Parliamo di Maglia”. I’m happy to connect and to be here!

You can find the notes for the episode below:

I’m making my first West Knits MKAL. And I’m having a blast – I can finally understand all the hype about it!

You can find here DarkOmenYarns

Orkland Sokker by StoneKnits

Yell Cardigan by Marie Wallin

Lana di Miele is one of the best LYS in Milano – you should definitely check it out!

Mondim – I’ll use it to make Frammenti Socks

Espace Tricot – They have the most amazing free patterns!

Check out LolloCrea Yarns – very cheap, nice, and fun!

During the episode I was wearing my Na Craga by Alice Starmore (one of my favorite designers!) and I’m so happy with the way it turned out!

Thank you for reading,

Happy Knitting!


4 commenti su “Ep 1 – Knitting in Italy

  1. Dear Martina, thank you for the very nice podcast. And what a beautiful sweater! Hope to be able to travel to Milano again soon. Greetings from Switzerland, Tanja

    1. Hi Tanja, thank you so much for your lovely comment! Let me know via mail or message when you come to Milano, it could be a nice meetup!

  2. ciao Martina sono Maria scusa se ti scrivo qui..ma ho provato a contattarti in un paio di canali senza successo…ho fatto il preordine della rivista wool it..vorrei semplicemente saper quando esce con relativa distribuzione. mi sembrava fosse ottobre …grazie per rispondermi.
    buona giornata

    1. Ciao Maria,
      non ho ricevuto i tuoi messaggi, mi dispiace! Dove mi avevi scritto? Purtroppo abbiamo dovuto posticipare di qualche settimana per qualche intoppo burocratico – indipendente da noi. Grazie per la tua pazienza e a presto!

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